

Custom + Discreet

Soundwaves lineup of custom-installed radar and laser detection systems gives you the flexibility and customization you need at many different price points. You choose which features best suit your needs to stay alert on the road. A built-in radar detector offers discreet installation and plenty of add-on features, allowing you to expand the system for many other capabilities.

Escort Max CI 360

Fully enjoy the freedom of the road

The ESCORT MAX Ci 360 offers the most advanced digital radar and laser detection system for the complete driver alert. Designed to
be seamlessly integrated into the vehicle for a completely discreet install, it features front and rear radar receivers as well as four laser
shifters which protect drivers against all speed monitoring devices.


Pick the features to best suit your needs

The ESCORT iX Ci System is the newest edition in our custom install (Ci) radar and laser detection lineup. Like the ESCORT MAX Ci Platform, it was designed to give the consumer the flexibility to pick and choose from features that would best suit their needs to keep them alert on the road ahead.

Escort Installed Detectors Video

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